Monday, June 18, 2012

Dolls! 1950's Sweet Sue Doll's Ballerina Dress, Part 2

I have had the third cold in about three months, so my sewing has been slow. Here is my 1950's Sweet Sue doll modelling the ballerina dress that I am making her. I have just pinned it on her as I have not attached the skirt to the bodice yet. I love the effect of the 2 pieces of copper tulle over the satin skirt. I lined the bodice with a very soft tulle and had to understitch it to help the tulle stay on the inside.

This photo shows the bodice with the darts for shaping. Sweet Sue is holding a bunch of vintage flowers that I might use to decorate the bodice and the skirt. I got the pattern from DD's Doll Closet on Ebay.

This is the pattern that I have used. Like the dress, coat and hat, the fit has been excellent. The skirt on my version of the ballerina dress does not stick out as much as the one in the picture. I am considering attaching another piece of tulle underneath her satin skirt to puff it out a bit.

After I finish Sweet Sue's dress, I am thinking of making a winter and a summer top - for me!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Dolls! Melbourne Doll Show Find and Ballerina Business cont.

Mum, her friend Laurel and I piled into the car early on a Sunday morning and made the trip to Melbourne to the Melbourne Doll Show. I purchased this Sindy doll, which according to some research I did, was made in 1965 in New Zealand from a lot of spare parts, hence the funny short arms. Sindy dolls were the English version of Barbie and were made by the Pedigree company. If you look closely at her legs, they don't appear to match. I love the 'Mommy Made' dress (as the lovely Americans say), but you know me, I will eventually make something characteristic of the swinging sixties. An article I read in an old doll magazine said that Sindy was a more down to earth kind of doll and not as glamorous as Barbie, so her outfit will have to reflect that.

What I really like about this Sindy doll is the quality of the hair and the face paint. The hair is really thick after all these years, and the face paint is so sweet and natural. A very horsey English girl.

Here are some photos I took of 3 of the stands at the show.

This is Fran's stand. She is at a lot of these shows, and makes the most divine period style outfits in good quality silks and cottons. I bought one for my 12 inch Ruby Red Galleria Bleuette doll, which I will show you in another post.

Dolls for sale
Finally, here is my Sweet Sue doll trying on a toille of the skirt for her ballerina outfit. I thought the hole for the waist looked too small, so I cut it out of some lining fabric just to make sure. I ended up using this to line the satin of the outer skirt. I hope to do a bit more on this ballerina outfit this weekend.

I was very pleased when I looked at my blogg recently to see a new follower!!! Thankyou to ShelleyM. She is following some very interesting doll blogs which I will be following and adding them to my blogg roll when I get time.