Monday, August 26, 2013

Dolls! 2007 Disney Mary Poppins from the Carousel Scene

It was auction day a couple of weeks ago, (a real live one instead of ebay) and I won this Mary Poppins doll. No-one really wanted her, but as you might know, I love Mary Poppins, and have the doll that I got from the stage play some years ago. My blogger is playing up so I can't link you to the Mary Poppins stories on this site, so just type her name in the 'search this blog' box at the top left of the screen.

Here is my other Mary Poppins doll from the stage show:

And some more views of the Mary Poppins from the auction. She is a Disney Mary Poppins, made in 2007 and they have made her look like Julie Andrews who played Mary Poppins in the famous movie. Even though she looks nothing like Barbie, this doll is part of the Barbie Collector Pink Label series. Not sure why they call her Barbie when she doesn't look anything like one. 

You  might not be able to see it, but the parrot head on her umbrella has a strange expression on it's face, as though it has been unwell or has a hang over after a few late nights out in a row.

The hat is turned up at the back:

 The back of the box shows photos from the carousel scene in the movie.

This is a close up of her dress from the movie:

Finally, a look at her from another angle, showing the carousel horse. She is a beautifull doll and I am glad that I won her.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Dolls! Bratz Hair Makeover, Number Two

Here is my latest Bratz hair makeover. I also washed her jeans and top, and she had a bath too!

To recap, I have a pic of her before her salon treatment.  What messy fly-away hair she had!

 I used the same shampoo and conditioner treatment, following up with a drop of fabric softener in a tub of water.  I rinsed her hair in the softner and water mixture and then gave it a quick rinse under the tap.

Letting the conditioner do it's magic

Beautiful glossy hair

Isn't that top a bit trashy? It is so tight and we can see your belly button!

What about trying on this jacket?

That's much better.

What else have you got in your wardrobe?

This hair makeover was a real success. I think it is the fabric softener that is doing the trick. I am not so sure I would use it on an old doll though. I wouldn't mind having another go at a Barbie doll to see if I could restore her hair, but I don't have any to practice on at the moment.

I am gearing up to make a shirt for myself, and maybe a couple more as the weather is slowing moving into spring mode.

Happy Sewing!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Dolls! Bratz Hair Makeover

Here is a Bratz dolly before her intensive salon treatment to improve her hair. I used a normal shampoo and conditioner (for humans, not dollies).
Knotty Bratz hair

This is the back view showing fairly knotty hair. I certainly couldn't get a comb through it. I finished off her salon treatment with a rinse in plenty of water in a basin with a big drop of fabric conditioner. I had read that  fabric conditioner is great for getting out matting and knots in doll hair. After her hair had partly dried, it appeared a bit greasy so I rinsed it again in some water. 

Here she is post salon treatment, sorting through her accessories. Her hair can be easily combed now.

Shiny hair again!

Pretty in her sparkles and tulle dress

I washed the pink sparkles and tulle dress that she came with and got rid of a lot of fluff that had attached itself to the tulle, along with her hair and what I think was her previous owner's hair.

Regular Bratz and Bendy Arm Eyelash Bratz

 Here she is posing with her new best friend, another ebay purchase, a Bratz with bendy arms and applied eyelashes. I have no idea what kind of Bratz she is, although I have heard of them being referred to as 'Eyelash Bratz'.

My blogger is playing up terribly, so sorry if this post looks a bit shabby in respect to layout (and typos!).

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Dolls! The Bratz Girls Have Shoes (And the Rest of Their Legs)

A lovely evilbay seller sent me the Bratz girls shoes (and the rest of their legs) in the mail today. Don't you think they look a lot better (and a lot happier).

There are also a lot of spare shoes to choose from, here are a couple of pairs:

Bratz shoes

As I have said in my last post, I am pleasantly surprised with the quality of these dolls.  I am intrigued that I can't find any collectors information on the internet, only loads for sale, but nothing on identifying how old they are and which model is which. I guess they are not collectable yet, except by their very appreciative target market.

Their hair is still dreadful, but I have found a couple of sites that suggest mixing water and fabric softner together and dispensing it from a spray bottle onto the dollies hair, and leaving it there for a good soak. I think I will try this as the Twin Pines products are going to be expensive to get from the U.S.

Two of the dollies are sharing a very disgruntled Blythe doll's outfit. I have a sewing pattern for Blythe dolls and I think that with a few adjustments, I could use it for the Bratz girls.