Friday, January 24, 2014

Dolls! More Op-Shop Revamps

Here is a Disney doll who I think is some kind of ballerina because of the feathers sewn into her skirt and the fact that her elbows are bent and give her a dancer's look when they are raised. She has Disney on the back of her head and Simba Toys China on her back.  Her dress isn't tagged but I would say it is the original as it it fits her so well.  The earings look original too. Her shoes are borrowed from a no-name look alike Barbie from Big W store.

Next up is one of the Olsen twins with her other twins - triplets maybe?  I am going to have my work cut out for me taming her sister's hair!  The re-vamped Olsen twin has 2002 Dual. Ent. Grp. on the back of her head and 2002 Mattel Inc made in Indonesia on her back. I wonder why they have seemingly two different companies making these dolls? I know a lot of the antique dolls had heads and bodies made by different manufacturers; maybe they are adopting this manufacturing model. Or maybe it is just a parent company and a smaller off-shoot company. Anyway, I think the Olsen dolls have captured the likeness of their real life counterparts quite well. Her dress is from an ebay seller in China.

Back view of re-conditioned and messy hair:

New friends

Her is Disney ballerina undergoing her intensive hair treatment along with a Bratz and a Diva Starz. Oh, the price of beauty!
I have finished my Connie Crawford shirt and worn it, but I have not taken pictures yet. Keep an eye out for this post as it will be coming up.

Thankyou to Audra and Nymphaea for inquiring about the awful heat we had last week, it was truly dreadful if you don't like 40 plus degree days. We had four days of intense heat and the last 2 got up to 44 degrees! Quite a record for Melbourne. I managed okay, but after it was over and we got a cool change, it went from about 7 percent humidity to 70 percent. I don't like humid weather either...I guess it is summer though!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Dolls! Third Diva Starz Makeover Done

Hi all, here I am back again after getting side-tracked from blogging in the lead up to Christmas.

This is the third Diva Starz doll to get her makeover, and her hair nearly got the better of me, but came out alright in the end. I didn't make the dress; it is from an ebay seller in China. The necklace is one of Barbie's.

Trying for a boho meets rock chick look?

To recap, here is the before - note the knotty hair:

Lovely hair

Finally, here are all the Divas in their finery:

I have been making a Connie Crawford shirt for summer and just sewing the buttons on today. I will do a post about it soon. I am going to need some more cool clothes as the temperatures are going to be 41 degrees tomorrow and then 38 and then back up to 40 by Friday.  We are all gonna melt!