Friday, January 28, 2011

Dolls! Rich Girl, Poor Girl, Part 2

Here is Rich Girl in all her finery. I used a coat of gloss lacquer over her hair and 2 coats on her shoes. It has not come out as glossy in these photos as it appears in real life.

Here is a close up of her face and the hair flower I made from 100% wool felt:

Back view with heart shaped button:

And here are the girls together:

I feel that I achieved my aim of making one doll look worn and old and one look new.

My next project is to make a Barbie dress for my artist friend Di's original early 1960's Barbie. Although she still has the original box and stand, somehow the clothes were given away.

1 comment:

  1. I love both the rich girl and the poor girl! Adorable dollies.
