Monday, October 17, 2011

Dolls! Making Ella's Felt Dress

Here is Ella posing amongst the pansy flowers in her new dress. It is not finished though; I still have to attach the skirt and do the scallop edging along the hem.

Here is a close up of the button hole stitch. I think that is a really good way to finish the edges, even though they do not fray. I do not do any hand stitching, so this was interesting and kind of therapeutic to do. It is very different working with 100 per cent wool felt. It has such a woolly feel to it! No wonder the Italian Lenci dolls from the 1920's and 1930's who had clothing made from felt lasted so well; it is such thick durable fabric. I would imagine insects and moths were a problem though.

Ella's head got an attack of the wobbles after I sewed it on to the body, so I will need to insert a wooden craft stick to support the neck and keep her head upright. I don't like doing this in toys, even though she is only going to be displayed.

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