Sunday, February 5, 2012

Dolls! A New Dress & Hat for a 1950's Fashion Doll Marked U2O

If you have been wearing the same dress for 50+ years, I think it is time for a little change. This doll is only a cheap copy of the fabulous Revlon type vinyl fashion dolls, but as she was made in the 1950's, she is still a very well made doll. An ebay seller made this lovely dress - her name is barbiegirl. The hat, which came with this outfit was made by another ebay seller. The doll is 20 inches tall, or 51 cm.

Here is the U2O doll in the bridal outfit that she came with:

Her hairpiece needs re-stringing:

I will be having a go at making an outfit for this doll, using one of my copies of 1950's patterns for these dolls. I have found this pattern on ebay:

I am also going to try and make some 1950's style doll hats, but will do a post about this and my small doll hat collection another time.

I just have a few press studs and buttons to sew on my Sweet Sue doll's new outfit, and I am mulling over what project (of many) to start on next.

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