Saturday, May 18, 2013

Dolls! Deck Chairs for the Bleuettes

I was passing the local Red Cross op shop recently and quickly ducked in for a look.  I picked up these little deck chairs for a small amount of loose change.  The lady on the check out asked me what I was going to do with them. Of course I knew what I was going to do with them but I couldn't be bothered explaining the doll collecting "thing" so I mumbled 'I will think of something'.

The Ruby Red Galleria Bleuettes are being sun smart in their bonnets.


  1. I love those little chairs. They are what we call Adirondack chairs. I've seen patterns for how to make them yourself out of popsicle sticks (but I don't think I would care to try). I think you should have proudly said "They're for my dollies!"

  2. Yes I should have been loud n proud about the dolls but you can get some funny looks...I have heard of Adirondack but wasn't sure if these were the same.

  3. Very cute! Love the Bleuettes too!
