Monday, June 24, 2013

Dolls! Mostly About Bears

I don't let myself go to the op-shops as much these days, or my house will turn into one. However I had a bit of time today, and went to my favourite local one which I had not been to for a long time. The trip paid off and I got this slim hard cover book by Judy Sparrow on the history of the teddy bear. The photos are gorgeous and the text informative.

The back cover has photos of modern Steiff replica bears.

I also got this Avon hot water bottle cover bear - he is rather square-shaped.  I am planning on giving him to my niece as it is really clean because it was still inside it's original sealed bag.

Then again, I might not be able to part with him...

Finally, look at the this photo from an old issue of Threads magazine (no. 35 June/July 1991) that I got in the same op-shop today.  It is of a porcelain doll made and dressed by Emilliene Duncan. The detail and the amount of work involved is mind-blowing!  She sews most of the garments by hand and the article is worth tracking down for detailed descriptions of the hand sewing techniques that she uses and the best fabrics to sew with for dolls.

Phew. Two posts in one day is unusual for me, but I thought I had better do them now while I can.  Happy sewing everyone.


  1. I'm always delighted with bears, of course! I think you'd better keep the hot water bottle cover one. I've never seen anything like it. I think it would work for a heating pad too. Maybe I should make a heating pad cover out of a bear!

  2. Yes, he is kind of special and it's looking like he might stay with me. He is in perfect condition and has a lovely cute face. Mmmm, I reckon you could give bear hot water bottle making a go and there might even be a pattern on the internet.
