Thursday, November 21, 2013

Dolls! Mystery Doll Clue Number Two

Mystery doll clue number two is in the photo above.  She is one of the dolls I got recently from my favourite op-shop.

And here is yesterday's clue:

See if you can guess who she is!!

Happy Guessing.


  1. I still don't know her name yet, but I like the boots!

  2. They are Bratz-like boots, but she's definitely not a Bratz!

  3. That's right Audra, not a Bratz but made by Mattel. She doesn't have the Bratz snap off feet that can be swapped with other Bratz.

  4. Hi Lizzie, I wanted to let you know I decided to delete my blog account, it's just not the right time for me to continue. I want to thank you very much for your comments, and wish you all the best; Linda (Nymphaea, LittlModels)

  5. Hi Linda, thankyou so much for letting me know. Blogging can be a big commitment and pressure to keep it updated. I certainly enjoyed your stories and perhaps you will start one again some day. Feel free to leave a comment if you feel like it and keep in touch.
    All the best,
    Lizzie xox.

  6. Yes, you are right! Sounds like you are an expert on these dolls Discodiva. Do you have any?
