Saturday, February 6, 2016

Dolls! Prairie Girl or Goldfields Girl and Flowers Pics

The modern 18 inch dolls had a bit of a photo shoot today.  Getting ready to list a few outfits that I have made in my online stores - Etsy and Ebay.
This is an 18 inch Alexander doll.  She photographs beautifully don't you think?  I can't remember which one she is and the box is too hard to find in the top of my wardrobe.
This is the American Girl doll doing her best Hollie Hobbie impersonation.
I have been doing a big clean out of my doll collection.  I had so many in boxes and storage that I couldn't enjoy them, so it was time for a big thin out.
I am finishing off a sweet little gypsy costume for an American Girl doll, so I will post pics of that too.
I really want an Australian Girl doll, but due to the combination of needing to save up for one and the model I want not being available until the end of the year, I will just have to wait.  Matilda is a lovely doll and is 2 inches taller than the American Girl dolls. I just can't understand why she would be out of production until the end of the year, but I guess I will have to be patient!


  1. Very cute! This reminds me of the Little House on the Prairie, I loved that show when I was little, and how they were dressed :-).

  2. Thankyou Linda. I remember spending a lot of time looking at that show. And I remember my fake Hollie Hobbie diary which was a bit of a rip off copy of the real thing.

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