Monday, September 13, 2010

Dolls! Clever Handknitted Toys

I don't know about you, but I am a very unskilled knitter, so I really appreciate these lovely hand knitted toys that I have found at local stores and fetes.

I wonder if I am right in thinking that it is a lost skill to some extent. I mean how many people do you know knit these toys? I would be interested to hear from you if you do.

First up is an elephant, the first one in my collection. Look at the expert shaping used for his trunk.

Here is his back view, and a close up of the shaping on his trunk:

Next up is a slightly scary but very bright clown. Notice the rose coloured wool used to highlight his gorgeous cheeks.

Look at the detail of the ruffles:

Finally, here is my latest purchase; a starry eyed mouse bride.

Look at her veil and posy. You can just make out the glitter flecks in the wool used for her eyes.

I hope this gives you some kind of indication of the intricate work and skill with matching colours to the subject in these little figures. It would not have been easy considering that they are all under 8 inches tall. These little treasures are not for little ones to play with, but are kept carefully in my display cabinet. Well, they can come out to play occasionally, but only if the children are careful.

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