Monday, September 6, 2010

Works in Progress, Vogue Patterns Magazine

Simplicity 2596, aka the Top for Lisa's Wedding, is progressing along nicely. Once I got over my shock that I was actually sewing satin, and my sewing machine didn't seem to have anything against it, things went along quite well. I just have the elastic to put in the sleeves, and the hem to do. I think I will shorten the sleeves quite a bit.

My second work in progress is a New Look jacket pattern 6619 that I started the calico muslin for earlier this year. I have fussed and tweaked the pattern quite a bit which could be a case of extreme procrastination as I have not done a jacket for a while. I tried on the calico this weekend and realised that the extra kilo or 2 that I collected over winter has added to my fitting problems. I am so glad that I did the calico because I found that the mid back was too big.

Below is the pattern and the rough calico. The calico is looking very rough and wrinkly after all this time sitting around in my sewing area.

I am doing view F, but making the sleeves longer.

A reviewer over at Pattern Review found that the depth of the sleeves was not enough to allow for a small shoulder pad. I had to add 1 1/2 cm to the sleeve depth to account for this. I found this sleeve depth matched a couple of ready to wear jackets that I already have.

Lastly, here are some shots from my Vogue Patterns magazine that arrived today. I have a subscription to the mag through the Australian distributor of Vogue patterns, and I notice that we get the issues that match the seasons on our side of the world. The bonus is that we get the buy one, get one free offer which is quite appealing.

From a quick flick, here are a couple of my initial favourites. This shirt is made up in satin, and I am an expert in sewing this now!

If you get a chance, have a look at the technical drawings for this dress (which is 8577) on Vogue's website as it shows the cut much better. It has a lovely retro look to it and the full skirt is divine.
I hope to get the top finished soon, and show you what it looks like. Then I will not be able to procrastinate any longer over the New Look jacket!

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