Sunday, September 18, 2011

Dolls! All the Fun of the Doll Show

I went to a doll show with my Mum on the weekend, and came away this this little beauty. The doll is a more modern style, 5 1/2 inches tall with mohair hair and painted porcelain shoes and socks. The outfit (dress, underwear, coat and hat) is a copy of a what looks like a French style from the 1800's. I got the doll at one stall and the outfit at another. Historically she is probably not the right doll for this clothing style, but I think she wears the outfit with flair.

A beautiful face

Just look at the hat!

I took this photo of some of the Doll Artisan Group's entries that had received awards in their various categories in the competition:

There was a lot of talent at this show, and I am glad that I went. I also managed to get a wig, shoes and socks for my vintage 1950's Sweet Sue doll that needs a bit of work to make her look her best.

I have been grabbing ten minutes here and half an hour there over the last 3 weeks, so there is some progress on my Ella doll; I just have to sew the arms and legs on and then stuff the head and paint the face.

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